Friday, January 11, 2008

Family Gatherings at Disney World

Teresa writes:

More and more families are traveling together: whether it's a trip with extended family, or friendly families sharing a getaway, or a grand family reunion.

Especially in the case of a big reunion, planning the vacation can be a nightmare of logistics, plus huge pressure deciding where to go. Disney want to de-stress this mess, with online planning tools plus special entertainment options for "Magical Gatherings" and "Grand Gatherings" (--groups of eight or more.)

Choosing Disney World for a Family Gathering
Millions of people of all ages and interests have a great time at Walt Disney World; even a cultural snob can enjoy country-hopping and exotic dining at Epcot. Also, there's no need to agonizingly wonder whether Cousin Billy will like this beach resort in Mexico, or that Colorado ski trip: it's very likely that Cousin Billy has already visited Disney World, and knows exactly whether he likes it or not. Not to mention that Cousin Billy's little kids will be thrilled to see Pooh Bear.

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